Zumunta consists of people who have an affiliation with the diversity of Northern part of the country resident in the United States of America and concerned about our welfare here in America and the state of affairs in Nigeria, have come together to find ways and means of improving ourselves and of contributing to the development of our country, Nigeria, and our respective host communities in the United States. We are conviced that in unity lies strength. With this in mind, we form the Zumunta Association USA, Inc.
Promote dialogue, understanding, and cooperation for social, economic, and political development that furthers the well-being of all its members, Nigeria and its host communities respectively;
Encourage, support, and facilitate the creation of a sense of community among individuals and organizations committed to peace, social justice and sustainable development in Nigeria and elsewhere in the world;
Promote and advance the science, process and art of non-violent conflict resolution, community and grassroots empowerment through public enlightenment, educational means including research, publication, discussion and community participation.